Gynecologic Pathology

Service Overview

Clinical Pathology Associates offers a broad range of gynecologic and obstetric/placental pathology services. Our anatomic and clinical pathology-trained physicians handle routine and complicated biopsies, pap smears, large excision specimens and clinical laboratory issues on a daily basis.

Our subspecialty trained pathologists provide extensive experience in gynecologic oncology diagnoses. Obstetric/placental pathology services are also provided.

Jacqueline J. Haas, M.D.

Service Director

A Trusted and Reliable Pathology Partner for Obstetrics and Gynecology Practices

Download our gynecologic and obstetric/placental pathology services guide for more information. 

STI Assays

Clinical Pathology Associates delivers a wide range of STI assays with fast and accurate results.

Gynecologic Pathology Subspecialists