Placental Pathology

Service Overview

The clinical utility of placental pathology cannot be over-emphasized and has the potential to lead to findings that may affect the immediate care of the mother or baby, may predict possible recurrence in subsequent pregnancies, and may help explain adverse pregnancy outcomes. Clinical Pathology Associates offers placental pathology consultation through our pathologists with a special interest in placental pathology. Our pathologists have background expertise in overlapping fields of pathology, including pediatrics, perinatology, gynecology, and obstetrics. As a part of the perinatal pathology consultative services that Clinical Pathology Associates provides, our board certified pediatric pathologists have extended experience with correlating placental findings and autopsy findings to determine cause of death in cases of intrauterine fetal demise. For pediatric autopsies involving newborns, placental reports are obtained whenever possible and reviewed along with placental slides as provided.

A Trusted and Reliable Pathology Partner for Obstetrics and Gynecology Practices

Download our gynecologic and obstetric/placental pathology services guide for more information. 
